Monday, March 26, 2007

Another Walk on the Downs

Another Walk on the Downs

Looks inviting but my route was the other way.

This is the Folly on Nore Hill, the story goes that the Lady of the house wanted an arch that resembled the one in a print that she owned.
Just in front can be seen a trig point, these trig point were used in the 1930's to triangulate the country for the 1 mile to an inch ordnance survey maps.

Another Walk on the Downs

Good signposting is always handy.

Another Walk on the Downs

Thought at first it was my mate's Motor caravan, but I think actually it was used by the shepherds in days gone by.

Another Walk on the Downs

A lovely day, so off on a 7 mile walk in the downs.

Friday, March 23, 2007

West Sussex Walks

Nearing the end of the walk, a narrow footpath running alongside a field ditch opens out into the March sunshine.
A cold but bright day makes you think that summer is not to far away.

West Sussex Walks

Its a very flat area away from the South Downs (which can just be seen in the distance) which makes for easy walking. This particular walk is about 4 miles.

West Sussex Walks

Couldn't resist such a fresh sunny day, on with the boots and get out into that Sussex air.